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2019, Television, Security Guard (4 Episodes), ALMOST NEVER, Saltbeef/BBC, Ben Kellett

2018, Television, Staff Sargent/Clark, REQUIEM (1 EPISODE), BBC/New Pictures, Mahalia Belo

2015, Television, PC850 (1 Ep - Credited), Casualty, BBC, Simon Massey

2015, Television, Various ADR, Billie and the Ghost, Disney/Studios, Various

2014, Television, Jailer 1(Credited), Outlander, Sony/Starz, Anna Foerster

2014, Television, Golo , Davinchis Demons (Series 2, episode 4), , Starz (USA) and Fox (UK), Charles Sturridge

2013, Television, Leonardo, They Call me Ivan, Sen Productions, Dave Wong

2013, Feature Film, Various - ADR Voice Over, THE MACHINE, Red and Black Films, Caradog James

2013, Corporate, Lseley, DSFS, Medical Role Play Co, Byron McGuniess

2012, Stage, Henry, FLAMING VOICES, Nevertheless Productions/Stepping Out Theatre, Emel Yimaz

2012, Documentary, Mr Carr, RPS - DEMENTIA DRUGS, ITN, Bethany King

2012, Film, Jim, RUNNING MAN, CRC, Ken Geen

2012, Film, The Happy Prince/Mayor, THE HAPPY PRINCE, Bellevue Films, Stephanie Gregory

2012, Corporate, Patient, LEVERHULME PROJECT, Bath Uni, Andrea Taylor

2011, Corporate, Les, COACHING FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE, The RolePlay Company / HBOS, Graham Debanzie

2011, Film, Nick, ELEVATING DECENT, CRC, Peter Jones

2011, Film, Melvyn, CRASH, 55 Degrees, Joseph Biffa

2011, Corporate, Various, DELIVERING DIFFICULT MESSAGES, Impact Factory, Christopher Heimann

2011, Audio, Shaun, THE TRUTH HURTS, Aardwolf Productions, Joss Carter

2011, Rehearsed Reading, Paul, PICTURE THIS - EXPLODING DOVE, Theatre West, Ann Stiddard

2011, Corporate, Chris, OSCI, Bath University

2011, Audio, Presenter (Anchor), SOUTH WALES TALKING MAGAZINE, SWTMA, Peter Jones

2010, Commercial, Barber, SHISEIDO, Trifield Productions

2010, DVD, Voice Over, THE LAST TROLLEY BUS, CRC, Ken Geen

2010, Film, Craig, WITLESS, Damnable Iron Productions, Alasdair Ogilvie

2010, Commercial, Keith, MARMITE BREAKFAST BARS, Agile Films, Matt Beveridge

2010, Rehearsed Reading, John, BROKE, iceandfire, Clea Langton

2010, Rehearsed Reading, Dictator, WASHES WHITER, Saturday Shorts, Mark Brekon

2009, Corporate, Hugo Brownnose, PUK, Impact Factory, Liz Mckechnie

2009, Feature Film, Terry, THE KINDNESS OF STRANGERS, Queen Bee Films, Deborah Hadfield

2009, Corporate, Pete , T G T, Tescos, Tom Bruno

2009, Corporate, Various, WELSH ASSEMBLY GOVERNMENT, The Role Play Company, Graham Debanzie

2009, Stage, Dr Tim Dunn, BLAVATSKYS TOWER, Angelhair Productions, Alison Comely

2009, Film, Vince, LAST ORDERS, The Actors Cut, Marc Evans

2009, Recording, Anchor, SOUTH WALES TALKING MAGAZINE, SWTMA, Peter Jones

2008, Ident, Mechanic, CHANNEL 4 - EMBARASSING ILLNESSES, Channel 4

2008, Recording, Presenter, SWTMA - APRIL 2008 EDITION, SWTMA, Peter Jones

2008, Video, Chris Simpson, SOMMERFIELD - COLLEAGUE CIRCLE, Wailing Banshee, David Baumber

2008, Stage, Shaun, THE TRUTH HURTS, Aardwolf & Progress Cymru Theatre Company, Joss Carter

2007, Stage, David Garstang, SOMETHING FOR CHRISTMAS, Angel Hair Productions, Alison Comley

2007, Short Film, TJ, LUMPS, Damnable Iron Productions, Alasdair Ogilvie

2007, Cabaret, Herman, ZIGGY FRAUD, Stepping Out Theatre, Steve Hennessy

2007, Short Film, Winston, END OF FAST REWIND, Oliver Revolta, Fastrewind Films

2007, Short Film, John, FEELING TIRED, Damanable Iron Films, Alairdair Ogilvie

2007, Stage, Townsend, PAINTING HEAVEN, Theatre West, Pameli Benham

2007, Stage, "B", HOLDING HANDS WITH ANGELS, Theatre West, Alison Comely

2006, Promo, Des, THE BLUE BIRD EXPERIENCE, Split Second Films, Patrick Whittaker

2006, Rehearsed Reading, Danny, COME WHAT MAY, Stepping Out, Steve Hennessey

2006, Rehearsed Reading, Bill, COWBOYS AND CAMPERS, Theatre West, Ed Viney

2006, Feature Film, Tim, THE PERFECT WOMAN, Olympus Films, Deborah Groves /Shaun Spencer

2006, Feature Film, Oblomov's Body Guard, THE BAKER, Shakesperes' Cake Productions, Gareth Lewis

2006, Short Film, Chainsaw Man, A CAMP AFFAIR, Jahari Films, Jason Cooper

2006, Film, Dad, JOURNEY HOME, Workshop Productions, Simon Pearce

2006, Stage, Cap, VIRAL SUTRA - TOUR BRISTOL OLD VIC AND LONDON , Progress Cymru, Alison Comley

2006, Stage, Paul, SALT AND SAUCE, Theatre West, Sam Burger

2006, Stage, Keith Ashton, THE KEITH ASHTON EXPERIENCE, Theatre West, Pameli Benham

2006, Radio, Carl, SCRAMBLE, BBC Radio, Mark Smalley

2006, Commercial, Office Manager, SKILLSTRAIN, Happy Hour Productions, Tom George

2006, Stage, Shirley Holmes , COLONEL, Progress Cymru Theatre, Alison Comley

2005, Short Film, Riley, PUB CULTURE, Excelsior King Films, Patrick Whittaker

2005, Film, Nigel, "13", CRC, K Geen

2006, Recording, Santa/President, THE MAD MARTIAN MARZIPAN SCAM, SWTMA, Ken Geen

2005, Short Film, Daniel, FORGOTTEN CHORUS, STE

2005, Film, DCI Mcclean, PROMO FOR FILM, Optimist Films, Neville Raschid

2005, Short Film, Simon, THERAPY, Dark Horse Films, Brendon Walsh

2005, Stage, Ron, RASPUTIN, Stepping Out Theatre Company, Alison Comley

2005, Stage, Cap, VIRAL SUTRA, Theatre West, Alison Comley

2005, Stage, Chas, LAST TRAIN, South West Script Writers, Pameli Benham

2005, Corporate, Presenter, WINDENDALE, Aspect Filmandvideo, Dave Watson

2005, Corporate, John, DCA INDUCTION VIDEO, Profile Vision

2005, Recording, Reporter, SWTMA MONTHLY MAGAZINE, South Wales Talking Magazine

2005, Stage, Jeff, MANS BEST FRIEND, Sitcom Trials - Bristol, Kev F Sutherland

2004, Film, Len, LIPSTICK, Lipstick/Westend Films, Hariet Perry

2004, Stage, Dominic, SITCOM TRIALS CHRISTMAS SPECIAL, Sitcom Trials, Kev F Sutherland

2004, Stage, Chef/Dale Fellowell, SITUATION MURDER, Situation Murder, Kev F Sutherland

2004, Stage, Gerald Ausop, CRACKED, Stepping Out Theatre Company, Pameli Benham

2004, Stage, Various Roles, CLIFTON COMEDY, Clifton Comedy Company, Mark Olver

2004, Stage, Jasper Borrowdale, A PINT ON THE HOUSE, South West Script Writers, Mark Smalley

2004, Stage, Frank, KISS ME SON OF GOD, Sitcom Trials Bristol, Ken F. Sutherland

2004, Stage, Jeff, MANS BEST FRIEND, Sitcom Trials Bristol, Kev F. Sutherland

2003, Stage, Jack, ASHES TO ASHES, Sitcom Trials London Leicester Square, Ken F. Sutherland

2003, Radio, Simon, TWO POINT FOUR CHILDREN, Commonwealth FM

2003, Stage, Doc, WHO'S ON FIRST, Sitcom Trials London Leicester Square, Ken F. Sutherland

2003, Radio, John, SPINNERS, Commonwealth FM

Stage, Manolo, THE ODD COUPLE (FEMALE VERSION), East Lane Theatre Company

Stage, Put Whittaker, THE LONG THE SHORT AND THE TALL, East Lane Theatre Company, John Young

Stage, Mr Meyers, WITNESS FOR THE PROSECUTION, East Lane Theatre Company, Bryan Hourihane

2010 - present

2010 - present


Actor, London and Wales

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